How do I contact my childs key worker?
Please call 01933 391660 or email enquiries@refocus.school

What time does school start and finish?
School starts at 9.15 and finishes at 2.30 Mon-Thurs and 9.15 – 12.30 on a Friday.

How do I report an absense?
Please call our Attendance line on 07708537192

How do I report my child absent from school?
Please call the Office on 01933 391660

Why do I receive attendance calls?
Students are likely to receive contact via text or phone from the Attendance lead prior to the school day starting to ensure they are on their way. For students who have no mark for registration, a call will be made to a parent if we haven’t already heard from you on that day.

Are we entitled to take a holiday during the school term?
Students are not entitled to take holiday during the school term.

Who do I contact first if my child has a problem?
The first port of call should be the students allocated Key Worker who will resolve the issue.

Can students leave the school site at lunch?
No, not unattended, however, we believe fresh air is important to refresh and as such offer lunchtime refreshment walks. You will be asked to sign consent for regular off-site visits as part of students vocational qualifications to places such as a Garden Centre, local gyms and Parks.  And can you include ‘Some Year 11’s will be considered for a lunch time pass to prepare them for independence at Post-16’..

What should I do if I am concerned about the wellbeing of one of the students?
The DSL is Hayley Perry and can be contacted on 07878270867 or 01933391660. Alternatively, the deputy DSLs are Liam Kerr and Katie Close. ReFocus are very focused on Safeguarding every student. Any concerns shared will be taken seriously and referred to the necessary agency if necessary. We cannot promise confidentiality and will always act in the best interest of the child.

What should I do if I change my phone number?
The school asks you to keep us informed and up to date with any changes to personal details in case of an emergency.

Do I need to provide safety equipment for my child?
ReFocus is committed to keeping all students safe from harm for any activity they are participating in. Prior to entering the workshop or garden students will be reminded of the Health and Safety briefing and will be expected to wear safety boots, overalls and gloves and goggles where appropriate. Any student not behaving safely may be removed from the activity.

Can my child sit GCSE’s at ReFocus?
ReFocus offer functional skills up to level 2 in English and Maths. However, if your child remains on a role with another school and it is agreed they can sit GCSE’s this can be supported.

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